Marvin 05/09/2018 Gadgets Pixel 3 review: An amazing camera and serious AI smarts Philosophical questions can be grouped into categories. These groupings allow philosophers to focus on a set of similar topics and […]
Marvin 05/04/2018 Meetings Artusiana Food and Wine Festival Forlimpopoli Italy In mathematics, it is known that 2 + 2 = 4, but there is also knowing how to add two […]
Marvin 10/02/2017 Gadgets It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop Historically, the symbol dx was taken to represent an infinitesimally “small piece” of the independent variable x to be multiplied […]
Marvin 30/01/2017 Science This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship Vestibulum vitae congue lacus. Maecenas commodo sapien sed odio porttitor iaculis. Etiam at dictum massa. Mauris vestibulum purus ex, et […]
Marvin 24/04/2012 Meetings Travel The Vacation Read: Which do you prefer, anticipation or total spoilers? Cras rutrum, sapien nec pharetra accumsan, sapien mi dapibus nulla, sit amet laoreet sapien nisi id leo. Praesent tempor, orci […]